Who has visited your teardrop?

Teardrop trailers seem to attract wildlife. During one of our camping trips, we were visited by a flock of chukar and a doe and her two fawns...all in one day. Maybe it's because of its low profile or quick access to food, but some teardrops seem to be popular with campground residents.

I could not resist posting this photo from some of my favorite teardroppers: Dave and Kathy of CampADK.


  1. The funniest encounter we've had was at IRG this past summer...the scrub jays do recon and then coordinate attacks on open galleys!!! We sat in camp and watched them...too funny...we were visited by a raccoon up at the Lake Perris gathering..no pics but we still have a very distinctive paw claw scratch down the galley hatch as it slid off the roof!

    1. LOL! How cute...but destructive. I actually had a doe stick her head into the open door of the teardrop when I was inside.

  2. The deer sleeping right next to the trailers at unionville.
